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Chloe recently split up with her former partner Roy. Roy was a shamanic practitioner who thought he was channelling from the source of light. Though, her friend Tina had a message in the dream warning her to stay away from him. A few weeks later, when Chloe was attending a shamanic ceremony, she could see that Roy being under the control of some powerful beings that were not so positive. After then, she cut off the connection with Roy completely. Roy knew but refused to accept her version of the story.

Before meeting Roy, Chloe was seeing a guy called Joel. One mysterious incident happened in Poland around Christmas time when the Priest came around people’s houses.  As the children from the church came to say the Priest was arriving, Joel fainted and lost consciousness. He had no recollection of what happened. A few weeks after, Tina also had a dream that Joel was kneeling in front of Chloe and drawing her energy. It was postulated that a chip was inserted in Joel’s pineal gland energetically when he fainted.

Chloe shared with me that she was in contact with the dark alien beings through Roy and she has recently decided to disconnect from them. Thus, she contacted me to seek assistance and protection to strengthen her auric field.

It was suspected that Chloe’s great grandmother also signed a pact with the dark beings, thus infiltrating her DNA. She also recalled her great grandmother and grandmother being very close to her, choosing only to have her by their bedside before passing on.

During the attunement process of passing her ‘Protection against Negative thought forms and mental projections and ‘Protection against Mind Control and Genetic Engineering’, she felt a sense of relief as well as a flood of emotions that made her cry. She felt particularly emotional when she heard her Soul sound code. She felt tension on her abdomen, her right wrist, in her left chest as well as on the pineal gland. The pain and tension were eased after the attunement process and she reported feeling much better. Throughout the process she felt a spiral on top of her head as if opening her up to new information. I advised her to pass the attunement to her family and to Joel after she has fully assimilated the energy.

Chloe reported having a very intense night after she received the attunements remotely. She also received updates regarding her healing skills and received information about why she had pain on her right wrist. She can now heal the right wrist physically. She also received upgrade on her DNA. She feels much calmer and can make clearer decisions.

Three days later, she felt being attacked and felt a spikey ball in her throat, and she felt tightness in her stomach and physically she saw a bruise when she woke up the next day. After then, I sent her some healing remotely through the Tachyon Soulprint board, and the pain on her throat vanished, the stomach tension was gradually fading. She felt her body changing from inside, layers and layers, and her inner self is very serene and calm. She felt both of her hands were empowered with healing energy and she used it to heal herself. She felt her DNA was going on some shifts. Her dogs and her cats have been following her wherever she goes. She also noticed many more angel numbers than before. She recalled about two more three months ago, there were two energetic pyramids over where she lives, and she received an order to extend the area they covered to include the mountains. She also noticed her plants growing extraordinarily quicker than they supposed to in winter times. She has then felt the connection with herbs more and guided to work with them more.

Two days later, we arranged another session. She shared with me her story with her family. What came up was her father’s father has also signed a pact with the dark aliens and her father has in turned received alien DNA in his genes. She recalled a few times when her father was trying to kill her, even before she was born. He kicked her when she was still in her mother’s womb to an extent people thought she would have died. She was locked in the same room as her father when he poured petrol on her and himself and attempting to burn themselves alive. She was only three by then, by when she heard her mother’s voice, she ran quickly and surprisingly she was completely intact, whilst her father suffered some burns. She was also grabbed by her father to be thrown out of the balcony when she was around three. When she was three and a half years old, her father attempted to kill her mum with a knife and she courageously blocked him. She had a cut on her neck but she survived. Chloe’s parents separated when she was four and after their separation, she met him occasionally under the guidance of another adult until he died. When he died, he asked for her forgiveness and he said he was under the possession of the devil. Strangely enough, almost everyone on her father’s side has passed on. Most of them were alcoholics, drug addicts or suicidal.

Chloe’s mother was suffering from attacks from her brothers and her mum due to the separation. Chloe’s grandmother and uncles locked her in a room and starved her when she was little in order to punish her mum psychologically. Since she was a child, she had been very sensitive and had premonition though her mother would not believe in her.

During this session, Chloe received ‘Releasing Karmic Ties & Connection’ attunement and Astral Protection and Projection attunement and a Soul Blueprint Merkabah. When we started, she felt the Atomic Spiral spinning very quickly and she could see the universe inside it. She could feel spiral on top of her head and energy coming down through her head. Whilst receiving ‘Releasing Karmic Ties & Connections’ attunement, she also felt the shift on her left knee and sensation on her chest. Apparently, left knee also symbolises religious karma. When she received astral projection and protection attunement, she felt the tightness in her abdomen, like a belt restricting her, I asked her to visualise the soul symbol to dissolve the belt around her abdomen. She saw the changing construction of the atoms and the heaviness shifted towards the kidneys. I then uttered some sounds in the hope to shift the energy. She then saw a new symbol when she could no longer visualise the previous soul symbol. This new symbol has then become her upgraded soul symbol. After then, she felt light and content.

That same night, she could barely sleep because the energy was very strong, and she felt very energised. She received some information regarding the tension on her stomach. She was also told to trust her feelings more, rather than focusing too much on the mind. She has not received any more attacks since. She also saw her new symbol straight after the session, which was another confirmation that she was receiving the help she was asking for.

After two months or so, Chloe reported feeling more centred and has been receiving lots of information from her guides. She is currently hosting her own workshops and has moved on at the time of writing.



Georgia and her friend came for a sound bath session. I felt intense pain on the back of my head during the session. Whilst I was doing a personal treatment on Georgia, I felt pain on my stomach. Towards the end of the session, I still felt a needle stab on the back of my head.

Georgia reported seeing flashes of light and felt there were demonic forces which she had experienced before during the night. She did feel lighter though towards the end of the soundbath. She also said she had sexual ‘dreams’ during the session which also occurred to her during her sleep since a very young age. We then started a conversation related to mind control and alien DNA infiltration in her family. 

According to Georgia, she has had headaches and poor quality of sleep for quite a while. She cannot sleep longer than 3-4 hours per day. She also suspected alien abduction had happened to her when she saw dark figures standing in her bedroom on several occasions, when she was visiting her homeland in Belgium. When she told her parents about it, her grandfather, her dad and her uncles all comforted her and said they were her ‘protectors’. At times, she wakes up in the middle of the night, feeling fearful. She has experienced sexual dreams when there were several people attempting to rape her. She reported feeling exhausted when she is awake and her eyes are hurting. She used to be very good at painting and drawing but her visualisation ability suddenly diminished in her teenage years. She feels she is more alert and sober when she is away from her family but when she was staying with her family, she felt very tired and drained. Her face also became more swollen. She also suffers from hormonial problems.

Her sister Joanne, who is living with her family in Belgium, has also experienced sexual dreams where numerous people tried to rape her. She also suffers from pain on her abdomen and left side of her body. When Georgia mentioned anything bad about the family, Joanne would defend for her family, even though they are very domineering towards her, and discourage her from doing something creative.

It was suspected that Georgia’s father and her ancestors from her father’s side signed a contract with the dark aliens. The dreams that she had were related to her father and her father’s relatives attempting to drain her sexual energy in her sleep. Her father is also suppressing her creative talents and intuition by blocking her visualisation. He is also mind controlling Georgia in a way that prevents her from having a committed relationship as she lost interests in men until recently. He is controlling the family including his wife. As Georgia is living away from her family, she can tell the difference in her energy and consciousness level when she is away as opposed to when she is with them.

That evening, Georgia received ‘Protection against Mind Control and Genetic Engineering’ and ‘Astral Protection and Projection’ attunements and a Soul Blueprint Candle. She felt much better and the pain went after the session. She had a good sleep that night.

The next day, Joanne came to visit her in London. She then brought her  and visited me. We had a session and I gave them a copper pyramid and Merkabah charged with their soul blueprint. They also connect to their soul blueprint by singing the sound and connecting to other elements of the soul blueprint. Joanne received attunements for protection against mind control and genetic engineering, protection against energy vampires, attacks and mind reading, protection against negative thought forms and mental projections. Joanne put the pyramid on her head whilst receiving the treatment. She felt tension on her head but the pain vanished when the Atomic Spiral was drawn on her. She was very surprised by the result. It was suspected that her family have imposed negative thought forms and mental projections on her that limits her expression of soul purposes. She felt tension just beneath her chest and in her abdomen. I also sent her attunement to gain assertiveness and maintain boundaries. She felt much lighter and alert afterwards.

I also sent Georgia healing separately using the Tachyon Soulprint board. Georgia felt pain on the back of her head as well, and tension on her eyes. I sent her healing using the attunements and the Atomic Spiral. She felt quite tired afterwards.

The next morning, Georgia reported feeling quite tired but also felt that presence of some being when she was sleeping next to the copper Merkabah. Her tiredness was probably due to the fact that her body is undergoing cleansing and purification. The healing was stronger as both her and her sister were going through this together. Georgia is advised to send healing to her mum and other family members who are under the influence of mind control when she visits her hometown.



Josie is a friend who has undergone haemorrhoid surgery and is still recovering from it after twelve weeks. She told me she was feeling upset with her husband Tim. Recently, Tim has been appearing colder than usual, as he is often very sweet and caring. He left her alone in agony and went out with his mother when she needed him most, leaving her without food. Josie was in a state of helplessness and agony that she wanted to file a divorce with him and even contemplating meeting new people. Bonnie came to visit whilst she was recovering from the surgery, though she did not even offer her any support or kindness whilst she was staying over.

It then came to me that Bonnie was soulless – in fact reptilian, and both Tim and his sister who committed suicide had her reptilian DNA. Josie had a vision of Tim’s sister after she passed away and that she knew she did not commit suicide. She knew it was because of Bonnie she died. On the other hand, Bonnie has been imposing various ways to destroy Tim and his relationship with Josie. Bonnie has always appeared cold to Josie but in the past few weeks, she cooked her meals, bought her flowers and even bought her a new coat, despite she never offered her tea or spoke to her directly when she came to visit in the past few days. Recently, Tim suggested moving in with Bonnie, in which we suspected was part of her agenda as well.

We also speculated that during the surgery, a chip was implanted into her body, thus causing huge pain and such extraordinarily slow recovery. Haemorrhoids also reappeared after the surgery. We speculated that Bonnie came to visit when Josie was in her most vulnerable state, in an attempt to implement ‘mind control’ to Josie and Tim to ruin their marriage, which she almost succeeded. Knowing that Tim would be easier to be rid of if Josie was not interfering with her plan, as Josie was protecting Tim and bringing more light to him.

After the discovery, we discarded everything that Bonnie has brought to the house. I made Josie a spray for protection against mind control and sent her attunement for Astral Projection & Protection. That night, her husband came home extremely tired, and she had a dream of a lizard-like creature crawling out from her vagina and she said it gave off an unpleasant smell. Josie noticed a strange palm print on the wall last night, which she never noticed before. The day after, we did an energetic cleanse with frankincense and she received the Protection against Mind Control & Genetic Engineering’ and ‘Overcoming Fears & Traumas’ attunement. I also advised her to send attunement to her husband and to her nieces after she has assimilated the energy.

The next day, Josie felt very tired though she had not had strange dreams anymore. Tim appeared very emotional and his mother Bonnie requested to have her brush sent back to her. I felt the need to send Tim a healing for protection against mind control and genetic engineering.  As time goes by, Josie feels much better and her relationship with Tim is greatly improved.



Nicole’s grandfather signed a contract with the dark aliens. He then mysteriously died when he was in his 60s, without any apparent diseases or illnesses. He even told his son to take his watch when he was about to die. His son, Nicole’s father, whose DNA is also hijacked by the aliens, has also signed a separate contract with the dark beings. Among the five siblings, Nicole is the only one who was born in her grandfather’s house. Her mother also recalled having a very traumatic birth experience. She looked distinctly different from her other siblings, skin colour, eye colour and hair colour, she looks much fairer and with green eyes. Her other siblings have darker hair and more olive skin tone. She is also her father’s ‘favourite’, as her father told her best friend.

Interesting enough, her father is always loved by all her siblings including herself. He always tells his children he is praying for his family all the time, and he has close links to the priests in the church. He is also very possessive of his children, when he heard that Nicole was going through a divorce, he reacted happily and wanted her to stay with him.

Coincidentally, all of her siblings have not had successful relationships. One of her sisters Kate suddenly got divorce after over ten years of marriage without apparent reason. Her two children were taken away from her, her children’s attitude towards her dramatically flipped, when they became very cold towards her. Nicole recalled the children being very loving towards her and this reaction was quite unusual. It was suspected that Kate’s former husband Bob had been doing mind control on her and draining her energy during sleep. She also has blood clog in her lungs and according to Nicole, she has always suppressed her emotions and feelings and appears sad. She was diagnosed with compulsive eating disorder. Kate has been a sleepwalker since she was a child. It is likely that she was being hypnotised or mind-programmed since childhood by her family during her sleep. It is also very likely her current partner is doing mind control and draining her energy during her sleep as well.

Nicole recalled the energy of her parents’ house being very ‘dense’ and she could not stay any longer. According to Nicole, her father is very money-minded, and one of her brothers has a very similar energy to him. It was suspected that this brother has also signed a pact with the dark beings. The other twin brother has an energy very different from him.

Nicole has very good memory, she can remember herself being very fearful at night, starting from the age of three. One thing she could not remember was why she was scared, it was postulated that it was related to alien abduction. Other siblings have not shared the same fears as she does. Her fear of darkness vanished after she split up with her former husband.

Recently, she has been working on a children’s project in her home town, and she was interviewed on the news, a mainstream news channel where she grew up. She felt it went very well, though the next day, she appeared swollen, became emotionally unstable, burst into tears and had suicidal thoughts. She also had strange cravings for salt and food. It was postulated that there was a chip in her pineal gland that mind controlled her mental state, emotional state and dietary preferences. The mind control chips can suddenly trigger urges in eating, or suicidal thoughts, as they control emotions, mental states and behaviour. In her family, her mother and her sister Kate also have episodes of uncontrolled involuntary eating behaviour.

She also mentioned about her former husband and a man she is seeing. We confirmed that her former husband is also imposing mind control on her, consciously and that the person she is currently seeing is being ‘controlled’ by her dad to control her. She also reported having very little sleep with very poor quality. She said she always feels very tired when she gets up. It was suspected that her energy is drained in the astral world. A male friend of hers is a singer and it was also suspected that he carries out mind control whilst he was performing music. Nicole felt a very strong connection with him, as if he was a messenger and giving her lesson for her soul. There were also past-life ties and karma between the two of them. As the healing went on, she started sending him healing to protect him from mind control and their relationship had grown better.

During the session, I sent her the attunement for ‘Protection against Mind Control and Genetic Engineering’, ‘Astral Protection & Projection’, ‘Protection against Negative Thought Forms and Mental Projections’, ‘Protection against Energy Vampires, Entities & Mind-reading’, ‘Healing Emotional Attachments and Dysfunctional Relationship Patterns’. During the process, she felt the pain on her pineal gland was greatly reduced to it completely vanished. She said the pain on her pineal gland was as if someone had pushed her head with both hands, then at one point, the pain reduced to like a spot, and gradually it vanished.

Nicole received a copper Merkabah and colloidal gold essence charged with her soul blueprint and the attunements she received. Nicole decided to be trained as a practitioner so that she can heal her family. I have also agreed to send healing to her family distantly through programming their personal belongings with their own soul blueprints. Nicole can send healing to her family once she fully integrate the healing energy.

After one week or so, Nicole reported having more energy overall and better mood. Her relationship with her son and her mum has also improved. The pain on her head has almost vanished and she has felt much more optimistic in general. She also felt more drawn to exploring her ancestral feminine wisdom. She received a womb healing, attunement for gaining past life wisdom and some more other attunements.

Another week later, she felt nauseous just one day before she came for a session. We discovered that it was the wife of her employer who sent her an entity and attempting to do mind control on her when she invited her to her shop. We did some healing around the subject and I also sent her some sound healing. Before the sound healing, one of my cats suddenly acted aggressively towards her wrist and her feet as if he wanted to get rid of something out of her. During the sound session, she was shivering and at one point she heard and felt a heavy object dropping down by her feet. After then, I sent her some healing around protection against mind control and she felt much relieved and lighter. It was likely that there was an entity attached around her feet and it left after.

During these few months of transformation, Nicole has been receiving lots more guidance from the light beings and recently she has released some ‘animals’ and beings that were sent to her by her former husband. About half a year later, she eventually confirmed this singer friend was actually doing more mind control. She then received another healing session regarding this and felt more uplifted and released some grief.



Carrie came to me initially for the copper Merkabah. She then shared with me her story. Two new friends of hers invited her to live in their space when she was looking for somewhere to stay. When she moved in, there was no gas and no hot water for shower. When she asked them, they were unwilling to offer help even when she suggested paying for it herself. Later on, Carrie had a lucid dream about one of these friends holding her head and saying, ‘I’m going to mess with your head’ It felt very real and she was infuriated. She was then beating him up in the dream. When she got up, she felt something wasn’t right. It was then confirmed they were doing mind control on her and attempted to make her lose energy through anger. She also recalled no one stayed in that place for long, as people always come and go, except the two men. 

It was also suspected that Carrie’s grandfather from her mother’s side and her great grandmother on her father’s side signed a pact with the dark beings separately as well. Her father’s former wife Kylie is also imposing mind control on her family including her father. When I looked at the photos of her children, even though some were not living in the same country, their eyes seemed to lose the spark and appeared quite blank and hollow. According to Carrie, Kylie would cook food of very poor quality and one time she caught her sending ill intents to one of the children, and she saw the maliciousness in her eyes. Her father is also under great influence of Kylie and is into some strange practice. It was also suggested that Kylie is almost a complete alien hybrid and Carrie and her siblings have about 30% of the alien DNA in their genetic makeup.

I programmed her personal items, a candle and a copper Merkabah with her soul blueprint and programmed the Merkabah with ‘Protection against Mind Control and Genetic Engineering’, ‘Astral Projection and Protection’ and other attunements. I also sent attunements to her other siblings remotely through the Tachyon Soulprint board, and sent healing to the place she is staying in. I also asked her to visualise her soul symbol around her and in her bedroom, the Atomic Spiral in the flat as well as using her soul colour as a form of auric protection. She felt some pains on the back of her head whilst she was receiving the healing and the pain vanished after the session finished. I also felt pain in the abdomen, chest and on the pineal gland that appeared and went after the session.

The next day, Carrie reported feeling much lighter and happier. The negative thoughts that she used to have disappeared. She was still feeling the effects a few days after she received the healing.



Simon was receiving healing related to protection against mind control and genetic engineering and astral protection and projection. He has been reporting having more lucid dreams and that he can alter the dreams when things aren’t going ‘right’ for him. He has been feeling more emotionally balanced and more energised.

Even though the healing took place over the phone, he could still feel the sensation on his body when he received Toroidal Touch.

Recently, he shared with me an experience when he went hiking. When he was meditating, he saw a helicopter hovering above him, about 10-12 metres away. He could suddenly feel the sense of panic around the woods from the creatures around him. He also felt a sense of discomfort and anxiety within him. At that time, he was located near where the electric towers were. When the helicopter appeared to have driven further, he picked up his phone and made a call, then immediately the helicopter came closer to him again. At that moment, he felt very uncomfortable and ended the call very soon. It was as if he had lost his sense of centredness and emotional balance and started to get out of the woods. When he got home, he almost forgotten the experience of the helicopter until he did his meditation. This sense of disturbance and anxiety continued for two more days until we spoke. We then did a remote session whilst I sent him Protection against Chemtrails, Geoengineering and wirelress radiation and also worked on specific areas on his body remotely.

He felt some sensations during the session and after then he reported feeling much calmer, grounded and happier. He also said he felt more connected to his heart and his problem with insomnia was gone.

It was postulated that the helicopter could be sending out some brainwave signals that alter someone’s emotions and state of being, with the assistance of electric towers and also mobile radiation. It can perform some sort of mind control, emotion control and affect one’s wellbeing physically as well.

A month or so later, whilst I was having a meal with a friend, I was mentioning about Simon to this friend. I suddenly felt strong pain on the side of my neck, the back of my head and on my stomach. My first response was, there must be something going with him. So instantly I messaged him, and to my surprise, he said he was feeling pain in these areas too. He was actually doing his self-healing the moment he received my message. He was also very shocked by the coincidence and how precise the timing was. He told me then, he started feeling a bit ‘ill’ for a few days. When we spoke, he recalled going to an abandoned factory in Hong Kong. He said he felt uncomfortable going in, but still he went. We then found out that the place must have been used to perform some dark rituals as Simon also noticed something unusual about the place. We then did a session and I sent him ‘Christ Consciousness Grid’ healing to add onto his self-healing. He reported feeling better after the session as if he has recovered from the ‘flu’.

About two weeks later, as he has already reported having better relationship with his partner and that his emotions have been much more stable. He is also more sensitive to energies. He also got a pendulum when he programmed his bracelet and pendulum with the healing attunements. He also sent his cats some healing using this healing tool. One of the cats seemed at peace whilst the other one seemed a bit agitated. Since then, he said he felt a bit ‘uneasy’. It was postulated that the uneasiness of this cat has transferred to him and he picked it up. So then I sent this cat some healing, and also sent healing to the relationship between him and the two cats and to the whole as a collective. As Simon said, he actually gets along with the first cat more than the other one that is a bit timid and reserved. During the healing process, Simon noticed they were all seated in a triangular shape and the two cats were sleeping soundly. When they finally woke up, he noticed the agitated cat was much more at peace and happier. He also reported feeling much more at peace and settled afterwards.



Emily came to me after she had listened to an introduction of the healing system. She is interested in releasing blockages in her pineal gland, releasing mind control and regaining her energy level.

A few years ago, she found a video about how to break the soul contract. She then shared it on social media. That evening, she woke up from a loud metallic sound, it sounded like a zip zipping up and it grew gradually louder. She felt the vibration in front of her face and she woke up in a state of shock. She then went back to sleep and soon after, the zip sound reappeared and she could feel the vibration on her face. The next morning, she noticed a cramp on the side of her neck, like a rectangular shape, which we later confirmed as a chip.

After that experience, she found it hard to meditate and visualise things.  It felt as though her pineal gland was being blocked. She had an one-hour meditation and gradually felt better. On another occasion, she had another dream in which she was a massive symbol rotating to a low humming tone. She was asleep but could hear the sound around her and she became awake from it. She was terrified.

She went to a healing workshop in which participants were asked to draw some symbols. She felt reluctant to draw them as she felt something was not right and questioned people running the course. They didn’t like the fact she questioned them and just asked her to draw the symbols, saying one of the symbols ‘opens the aura’. In the end she drew the symbols as everyone was doing so. That evening, she had a strange dream about a sneaky and mischievous man  holding a piece of paper with the symbol, smirking and running with the symbol. When she woke up, she found the duvet being thrown on the ground and her pyjama pants were at the bottom of her legs. It was suspected that she was being sexually harassed by the dark aliens and her DNA was being used for creating hybrids.

She also met with a clairvoyant who told her she was part of the military project. This military project is related to mind control in the astral realm in which humans are abducted for specific missions such as alien abduction and hybridisation.

Emily also recalled seeing a dark shadow which she thought was her mother and turned into ashes that flew out of the window. It was suspected that bother her and her mother had astral clones that allow more mind control to take place.

About two weeks ago, her cousin who had almost no contact with the family got in touch and said she had a dream about her mother being affected by the dark beings but at the same time there were also light beings helping them.

During the first session with Emily, we found that she had a few chips in her body, including the one on the side of her neck, her shoulder, her chest, her stomach and back of her head. Her father’s mother and her mother’s grandfather had both signed contracts with the dark aliens to allow alien DNA infiltration into her family lineages.

Thus, her mother, her sister, as well as her children, also being affected by mind control and alien DNA infiltration. Her sister’s relationship was jeopordised and she also has anger management issues. Her elder daughter reported having nightmares and her younger child also had alien DNA infiltrated into his DNA. 

During the session, Emily felt emotional at times and light, she could feel the vibrations on several areas on her body. She felt quite emotional and lighter afterwards. She received several attunements including ‘Protection against Mind control and genetic engineering’, ‘Astral projection and protection’, ‘Protection against Negative Thought Forms and Mental Projections’, ‘Triple Fire’, ‘Celestial Animal Connection’, ‘Galactic Butterfly’, ‘Atomic Spiral’ and a copper Merkabah charged with her soul blueprint. She reported a strange incident when she noticed one end of the Merkabah became loose without anyone touching it one morning and she tightened it back.



Helen reported feeling exhausted every morning she wakes up for over three years now. When I asked about her two children, she also said they equally feel very tired when they get up. I told her it was due to the energy drain during their sleep. She also wanted to file a divorce with her husband as she finds him very cold, non-communicative, detached, critical, ‘fake’ and robotic. She reported feeling lack of interest in him, and they rarely even speak. She finds him very hard to understand. She also said he attends some regular meetings without telling her what it was. He also avoids introducing her to his friends since they got married. His strange behaviour makes her wonder if he even likes her. She said he became a completely different person after they got married. She feels very tired around him. When asked to work on their relationship, he would just ignore her and walk away, though he has great interest in having children with her.

When I checked, he is in fact doing ‘mind control’ on her and draining her energy during her sleep. According to her husband, his parents died very early when he was young, but in fact his parents do not have a soul. Helen has never met with his parents as well. When I looked at his photos, I could see the darkness in his eyes, and when I showed it to Helen, she was shocked to see that.

Helen received the attunement for ‘Protection against Mind Control and Genetic Engineering’ to her. She also had a copper pyramid and her ring charged with her soul blueprint to protect her in her sleep and protect her against mind control.

After two weeks or so, she was really determined to get rid of her husband with the help of her father. She also noticed her two children very obsessed with vampire movies and video games. She received Protection against Negative Thought Forms and Mental Projections, Releasing Karmic Ties and Connections and Divine Masculine – Will Power, Strength and Determination’ attunements. 



Helen reported feeling exhausted every morning she wakes up for over three years now. When I asked about her two children, she also said they equally feel very tired when they get up. I told her it was due to the energy drain during their sleep. She also wanted to file a divorce with her husband as she finds him very cold, non-communicative, detached, critical, ‘fake’ and robotic. She reported feeling lack of interest in him, and they rarely even speak. She finds him very hard to understand. She also said he attends some regular meetings without telling her what it was. He also avoids introducing her to his friends since they got married. His strange behaviour makes her wonder if he even likes her. She said he became a completely different person after they got married. She feels very tired around him. When asked to work on their relationship, he would just ignore her and walk away, though he has great interest in having children with her.

When I checked, he is in fact doing ‘mind control’ on her and draining her energy during her sleep. According to her husband, his parents died very early when he was young, but in fact his parents do not have a soul. Helen has never met with his parents as well. When I looked at his photos, I could see the darkness in his eyes, and when I showed it to Helen, she was shocked to see that.

Helen received the attunement for ‘Protection against Mind Control and Genetic Engineering’ to her. She also had a copper pyramid and her ring charged with her soul blueprint to protect her in her sleep and protect her against mind control.

After two weeks or so, she was really determined to get rid of her husband with the help of her father. She also noticed her two children very obsessed with vampire movies and video games. She received Protection against Negative Thought Forms and Mental Projections, Releasing Karmic Ties and Connections and Divine Masculine attunements.



Claire recalled a dream she had about a few months ago. She was speaking with some beings in the dream and in the dream, they had a discussion about whether to erase her memory or not. She also saw UFO in the dream, then the next second, she saw a female being. When she woke up, she still recalled the dream and found a lump on her left side of the neck, almost like a thin line, that was hurting and lasted for a few days and disappeared. It was suspected to be a chip implant.

She then received  ‘Protection against Mind Control and Genetic Engineering’, ‘Releasing Past Life Vows and Contracts’ and ‘Protection against Negative Thought Forms and Mental Projections’, ‘Overcoming Fears and Traumas’ attunements. She reported feeling more centred and grounded afterwards.  



Sue was experiencing some psychic attacks, and felt like she couldn’t move or wake up in the middle of the night. She also felt the heat on various parts of her body, mainly on the right hand side. I suspected that there were energy vampires and people doing mind control at her workplace. I sent her Astral Protection and Projection attunement, Protection against Mind Control & Genetic Engineering attunement, Protection against Negative thought forms and Mental projections attunement as well as Protection against Geoengineering, Chemtrails & Wireless Radiation attunement. I also advised her to draw her soul symbol and use the Atomic Spiral as a form of protection. That evening she slept very well and all the pain vanished. She felt very energetic, alert and at peace. I also asked her to protect her work space by visualising the Atomic Spiral over it.

After a few weeks, I sent her a copper pyramid charged with her soul blueprint and also some attunements for protection. That night when she put it by her bedside, she instantly felt the warmth all over her body, and all her negative emotions vanished. She didn’t need to sleep as much and still felt very energised. The warmth in her body was still there when she woke up. She also felt protected from psychic attacks from work. The copper pyramid has given her more strength, protection, vitality and improved her relationship with her beloved. One night, she felt she couldn’t sleep well, and when she visualised herself in this pyramid, she then fell asleep. When she woke up, she could still feel the warmth in her body when the air conditioning was on.

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